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Read our blog to keep up to date with the latest property and finance news

Are you Mortgage Ready?

The market is shifting in a positive direction for first home buyers. For the last couple of years the property market has seen prices rise

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CCCFA changes to be reviewed

On Friday morning Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark revealed a set of proposed changes (see below) to Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

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OCR increases to 1 percent

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Official Cash Rate (OCR) directly affects the bank interest rates. When the OCR increases, so do the interest rates,

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OCR Announcement

This week will see the most interesting (almost exciting) OCR announcement since lock down with pretty much all economists expecting the first in a series

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June 2019 Newsletter

    We are almost halfway through the year already – time flies when you’re having fun! There have been a few changes around here

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March 2019 Newsletter

What a great start to 2019! It seems like only two minutes since the holiday season and now we’re in March. Time flies when you’re

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